This past Father’s Day, OluKai teamed up with Boulder Running Company for their inaugural Father’s Day 4K and 1 mile Stand Up Paddle (SUP) race. The event drew some of the top runners and paddlers in the area.
The 4K run was an all-out race to the finish with 1st place going to Aaron Carrizales and 2nd place to David Roche. The two runners finished within a second of one another. Laurie Walker was the fastest woman. And our own Jason Freise took the first place honors for the SUP race!
It was a great, family-focused event with Father/Son and Father/Daughter divisions in the run. Participants and their families were treated to a Father’s Day Hawaiian BBQ dinner, as well as a sampling of traditional Hawaiian music and dancing.
100% of the proceeds from the 4K/SUP race went to directly benefit Orphans of AIDS Foundation and the City of Boulder Parks and Recreation EXPAND program.

Complete results are posted at
A big mahalo to Boulder Running Company for putting on a fantastic event!